Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Everyday Life

This past week since we have been back in Paraguay, we have been busy getting our ministries up and going. In the afternoons we teach English using the “Let’s Start Talking” material (It’s an English Bible study that goes through various books of the Bible), and also in the afternoons and evenings we go visit different members of the church or visitors. A couple of evenings ago Rocio and I went with the missionary that we live with, Brittnea, to go visit a church member named Arminda, who had been wanting us to have us into her home for a meal. We had a Bible study with her too, and just got to spend some time talking with her. Something that is amazing about Arminda is that she lives about 30 minutes away by car, but she doesn’t have a car, so it takes her an hour or more to walk to catch a bus to get to church. But that’s how dedicated she is, and it’s really amazing to see Christians like that because I know that’s how the people of the 1st century church were.

As for our work with the youth, we are really trying to teach them about service, and one of our main projects this summer (it’s summer here), is taking them and working with the orphans at the orphanage. It is only a few blocks away from the church, and one afternoon last week, we took a group to go play with the orphans. They were some of the most precious children I have ever seen! I know that you AFC Kenya girls know exactly what I’m talking about. They just want to hug you, hold your hand, touch your hair, be spun around like a helicopter by their arms, etc… but mostly they just want to be loved. So I’m really excited about our times with them. We will be doing activities with the orphans once a week. Tomorrow we have planned a movie day (at the church) with snacks for them. The director of the orphanage is letting us come get them and take them to the church. It’s going to be lots of fun!

Our devos and activities for the youth group and university students are on Thursday and Saturday nights. We always have the devo and then some sort of activity together. This past Thursday we played soccer (people here are crazy about soccer) after the devo, and about 20 people came!

Another ministry I’m in charge of is the children’s ministry, so I have been talking a lot with one of the missionary’s wives this week and getting the curriculum organized and planning classes. Sunday was my first class with the kids and it went great!

A few other things that we have going on include: our ladies Bible class on Wednesday nights, our mission team meetings on Thursday mornings, our intern meetings on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and every Tuesday night we meet with Vickie, one of the missionary’s wives who is our mentor. I also am continuing to take 3 hours of Spanish lessons every morning. So we stay very busy, but we have Saturday during the day off and Sunday afternoons off to rest and relax.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Also, my internet time is very limited since I usually only have access to the internet when we are at the church building, but I will try my best to respond back to your emails as best as I can. I love you all so much and continue to thank you for your prayers and encouragement!! God Bless!!

The following are pictures from when we had all the women from the church over for tea:

Group Picture!

These are two of the girls from our university group, Alba (left) and Helena (right). Alba is my Spanish teacher, and she’s wonderful! And I get to spend a lot of time with Helena’s family because her mother has kind of adopted us while we are here, and loves to have us over.

This is Chaco. He’s the cutest thing you will ever see. Oh and he thinks he’s spiderman.

This is the sunset from my balcony window!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love the pictures. The view from your balcony is so beautiful. I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time. Very busy but a good time. We miss you on Wednesday mornings. Keeping you in my prayers.
