Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Life with the Yegros!!

We have been so busy here in AsunciĆ³n that the time has just flown!! To update you all, about 3 weeks ago I moved in with the Yegros family. Nora, my Paraguayan mom, asked me to come stay with them and I was very excited for the opportunity to practice my Spanish more. I also was excited about the opportunity to get more of a feel for Paraguayan life. :) My host parents, Ike and Nora are incredible and my brothers and sisters (Ale, Luis, Mauri, Helena, and Romina) are so much fun! The Yegros' are some of the sweetest people in the world, and I’m so blessed that they’ve allowed me to share their home! Here’s a picture of Ike and Nora before they went out for their 25th anniversary last week:

The following pictures are from Mauri’s birthday party last week:
Here's a picture with all of their cousins

Mauri's cake was delicioso :)

Here's Ale using a hairdryer to make the flames bigger on the grill :)

And here’s some pictures of me at the sock factory that they own! That's right they own a sock factory! It's so awesome! They are slightly confused as to why I think it's so cool, but it's a sock factory!! It's like Willy Wonka minus the chocolate!
Me and Nora behind one of the machines

Me and Mauri holding socks

They always give some of the socks they make away to the children at church, and Nora let me have the job of picking out each child’s socks :)

Also, the weekend of Easter I had the opportunity to travel with them to visit some of their relatives in a small town about 5 or 6 hours away. It was great getting to meet all their family and just have a few days to relax. We also had an ‘asado’, which translated means ‘barbecue’, of lamb! It was pretty tasty :) Here’s some pictures from our vacation time:
Lunch at their grandparents

Gina, Alba, and I in a mango tree

The fun group that went

Jesuit ruins from a war long ago

All the girls at the square

My Paraguayan family!

These guys are pretty funny- they keep me laughing

Me, Helena, and Romina :)

Picture at their grandma's house before leaving Pilar

Helena, Gina, and I on the way home from Pilar

Man on horse

Lastly, we are about to finish week 5 of our 8 week English course, and I think some of my students are going to be interested in studying the Bible with me more after we finish this particular English course. So please keep that in your prayers- their hearts and that God will provide me with the wisdom I need to teach them.

Also, Brittnea and I will be traveling to Itu, Brazil this weekend! Since our 90 day visas expire soon, we decided to go to visit the missionaries and the church there. Thank for you for your prayers and for taking time to read this! I love you all!!


Jenny said...

Hi Micah!
I've loved reading your blog! Looks like you are having the time of your life.... and doing so many wonderful things. Seeing God work through you is so wonderful. Be safe and know that we are always thinking of you!
God Bless
Jenny (Daniel, Cal and Patti)

Britni Johnson said...


I just know you are soaking up every minute. You have such a good heart for serving God...thank you for sharing it! I LOVE YOU.

Lindsey said...

Micah I love you and I enjoyed the picture of "man on horse" it made me laugh. Enjoy your time there. You and Rocio are in our prayers. Te quiero mucho y bendiciones, besitos y abrazo
Lindsey and Camilo