Monday, May 26, 2008

My Final Days

2 weeks before I left I got the opportunity to organize and put on a Vacation Bible School for the orphans. Everyone from the church took on a role or helped out in some way and it was a huge success! The theme was about God keeping his promises, and we used the story of Jonah. There were puppets, arts and crafts, games, snacks, a skit, and tons of singing! We even built a whale for the kids to go in. ☺


What kids don’t love fishing out of the baptistry…

Kids going inside "The Whale"

Arts and Crafts time!

Mateas eating a snack

And last but not least…it’s not booster booster, but I think you’ll see it has the same spirit ☺ Click to watch...

The weekend before I left we had the annual Women’s conference Mujers de Fe (Women of Faith). There was about 60 or 70 women total. Carla Borja was our guest speaker and she came all the way from Texas. She was a blessing to the women of Paraguay, an incredible speaker, and such a joy to be around. It was a wonderful rejuvenating weekend for the Paraguayan women.

Helena and Brittnea working hard to prepare

Carolina and Maria Jose at the conference sign – in table

During the conference

Small groups

Waiting to eat some delicious food

The Whole Group

Smilce, a woman who attended the conference because she saw the advertisement in the newspaper, was baptized a few days later.
On my last night they threw me a going away party and it was great! We sang my favorite devo songs, ate brownies (thanks Rocio) ☺, and I just got to spend time talking and sharing a few last moments with everyone. The amount of love that I felt from the Paraguayans was overwhelming. I got a box full of letters and cards and so many gifts. My desire was to go to Paraguay and be a blessing to the people, but instead they blessed my life. I will always have special place in my heart for the people of Paraguay, and Lord willing I will be able to return someday.

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